Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poddish Redux: My Top 25 Of All Time

OK, in the old Poddish tradition, here are my top 25 most listened songs of all time (or at least from the onset of iTunes) as captured on 12/31/10. My advice to Archie Bell is to tighten up, you have been slipping in the ranks, my man.

Name - Artist (Play Count)
  1. Lilting - Oh-OK (64)
  2. Derailing - The Casual Dots (62)
  3. Her Jazz - Huggy Bear (62)
  4. leotard - tacocat (62)
  5. Those Dancing Days - Those Dancing Days (62)
  6. Audrey - Walking Concert (61)
  7. Vegetarian Restaurant - Aberfeldy (59)
  8. Tighten Up - Archie Bell & The Drells (59)
  9. Clap (See the Stars) - The Myrmidons (59)
  10. Come On Let's Go - Broadcast (58)
  11. What's Your New Thing? - Walking Concert (58)
  12. One Glass of Water - The Bees (57)
  13. Go Karts - The Bees (56)
  14. Richard Dawson - B.C. Camplight (55)
  15. I Believe In Miracles - The Jackson Sisters (53)
  16. Badger - Let's Active (53)
  17. Everything Thermals - The Thermals (53)
  18. I Had An Excellent Dream - The Dentists (52)
  19. The Youth - MGMT (52)
  20. Safety Net - Shop Assistants (52)
  21. Sugarcube - Yo La Tengo (52)
  22. Bang Bang Rock & Roll - Art Brut (51)
  23. Sink Venice - Ikara Colt (51)
  24. Smile - Lily Allen (51)
  25. Debbie Harry - Family Fodder (50)