I suppose the simplest thing would be to call Free The Bees a pastiche of Times Past... since it does project a Now That's What I Call The 60's kind of sound. Every track has a distinctive sound and mood that it's tapping into: Stax soul (Chicken Payback), Studio One reggae (The Russian), Small Faces/Kinks baroque pop (Go Karts - which is topping my shortlist of songs, but is sadly unblippable at the moment), etc. - but the album has a very cohesive feel to it.
Of course, I may be smitten by the fact that this band might be Rutle-izing every non-Beatles 60's genre, but it's still an excellent "greatest hits" wall to wall good-time party record with tons of hooks, big choruses, and a lot of awesome B-3 organ!
Free The Bees! (And thanks to Chris and Ron for the buzz and the honey.)
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