Shame Spiral is 100% exuberance and punk charm. Songs about Muffin Tops and Bike Parties are a blast and well, UTI is not as gross as it could be. Tacocat draws on a long lineage of punk goodness like Buzzcocks and The Undertones, and Riotgrrls like Bratmobile and Huggy Bear without getting bogged down with a certain sound or scene. They are a band and they like to rock. That's plenty fine as an ethos.
And seriously, Leotard might be the greatest two minutes about making out (and only making out) ever. Take that, Genie In A Bottle and Let's Wait Awhile. La-la-la-la-la-Leotard!
OMG. This thing is off the hook. So fun, so much energy. The lyrics are absolutely hilarious too. This is kind of like The Soviettes working a little blue with a wink. Cleverly intoxicating.