Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Albums Of The Year: The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Albums Of The Year: Janelle Monae - The Archandroid

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Reissue Of The Year!: Dolly Mixture - Everything And More...

Song Of The Year: "When The Sun Don't Shine" - Best Coast

Monday, December 27, 2010
The Year Wanes, The Lists Wax
Monday, March 29, 2010
Mo' Retro: The 2009 Top 25
Dear Blogheads: I got so hung up on my Decade lists, I realized that I forgot to carry on the old Poddish tradition of the year end lists. 3 months late, I now give you my most played songs of 2009.)
2009 ended up as a pretty great year for music, if you were bored with the same-old, same-old. (Of course, a lot of people don't bore as easily as me, so maybe it was a painful year for everyone else!) Apart from a few stalwarts like Camera Obscura, Neko Case, the Jaxx, and Superchunk (straight outta the "where have you been?" file!), there was a lot of newbies bringing the noise... although there wasn't much of anyone bringing the funk last year.
Without further ado, here's the list (along with my iTunes play counts... stat geeks, you know who you are). Anything with a link takes you to streaming audio at Blip.fm or you can just go to my playlist there to listen to the bigger batch of goodies.
- French Navy - Camera Obscura (30 total plays)
- What A Drag - Bear Hands (24)
- Golden Phone - Micachu (22)
- Plastic Bag - Navvy (22)
- Sunlight - Tune-Yards (22)
- To The Dregs - Wavves (21)
- News - Tune-Yards (20)
- Jealous Of Roses - Bibio (18)
- Sticker - Navvy (18)
- Count In My Head - Kids Love Lies (17)
- Dead Lazers - Kap Bambino (16)
- Blackjack Eddie - Violet Violet (16)
- New In Town - Little Boots (15)
- Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth - Neko Case (15)
- Fuzzy Felt - The Kabeedies (14)
- Red Sign - Kap Bambino (14)
- Sleepyhead - Passion Pit (14)
- Fossil, I - Sky Larkin (14)
- Antibodies - Sky Larkin (14)
- Blood Gets Thin - Pete & The Pirates (13)
- For You - Tune-Yards (13)
- Raindrops - Basement Jaxx (12)
- Satisfied - Esser (12)
- Ode to Millers - Kasms (12)
- Blinders (Fast Version) - Superchunk (12)
French Navy, if you haven't heard it, is an indie-pop girl-group gem. Here's a long-winded appreciation, from an earlier blog post. There's more about Navvy, Kap Bambino, Tune-Yards, and Bibio too!
I'll dig into some of these other musical biscuits soon.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Shout-Out Time!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Surveying The Soundscape
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Welcome Back!: Quasi

Friday, February 12, 2010
From The Future: New MGMT Album in April
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Latest: Help by Thee Oh Sees

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Latest: Donuts by J. Dilla

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Latest: Idyll Intangible by Navvy

Monday, February 8, 2010
The Latest: The Silence Of Love by The Headless Heroes
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Latest: Shame Spiral by Tacocat

Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Big Music
- The Big Shot Chronicles - Game Theory: One of my all-time favorites. Jangly, eggheaded power pop, touched by the hands of Mitch Easter. Here Comes Tomorrow remains a giddy, wordy launching point.
- Big Plans For Everybody - Let's Active: Speaking of Mitch, this record (along with the former) were playing non-stop in my room in 1986 (and beyond). Big Shot has aged better than Big Plans, but I still love it. And, in lieu of an album version, check out Let's Active on the Old Grey Whistle Test in England.
- Big Science - Laurie Anderson: This record is almost 30 years old (yikes!) but it still sounds like it comes from the future. Forget about the latter years (and the Lou Reed thing, bleah) and Let X-=X.
- The Big Sell Out - Bongwater. Originally purchased for the wrong reasons (largely because Ann Magnuson was hot), the swan song for what might be the world's only post-psychedelic band is still weird. (And apparently, un-Blip-able.)
- Big Night Music - Shriekback. Another perplexing record by an incredibly strange pop group. This album has got too much digital polish on the whole, but it's enjoyably odd in small doses, like this mutated Andrews Sisters-esque tune.
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Latest: Broadcast and the Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age

Friday, January 22, 2010
The Latest: Blacklist by Kap Bambino

Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Latest: Bird-Brains by Tune-Yards

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Latest: Ambivalence Avenue by Bibio